Friday, June 20, 2008

Craft swap

Ok so it isn't sewing but still crafty none the less.

I signed up for a craft swap on one of the forums i post on. Originally i had intended on sewing up some marvelous creation!! LOL Well obviously that didn't happen with all that has been going on with these boys of mine.

So i decided to make my swap partner an off the page project. I done one of these for Ethan to put all his hospital mementos in.

This is what i came up with

Monday, June 16, 2008

Wiggly Pants

Flannel found on the clearance table at spotlight..

Jack thinks that they are pasta pants for some reason...obviously letters don't mean much to a 2 year old LOL

Not top to match as yet, i went looking at there were no size 1's to be found anywhere!!! Need to find one this week, figure these will work as pj's in hospital

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Chibi Bunny

Jack has been sitting next to me whilst surfing around blogs. We came across a softies blog and Jack done his nana over the softies. So i hunted around to find something basic i could whip up for him with minimal fabric - not many leftovers these days! Anyway, we came across the Chibi Bunny and Kitty.

So i made him up the Bunny, it is so cute and he loves it! Not too sure on the face but his highness approves of it so i wont question it! And yes i do still need to stuff him!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Camo Dude

Dh wanted some camo stuff for his boys...typical male!

So here is what i came up with. The pants are so cute but the tank on the top just doesn't look right, even though everyone is telling me it looks like a tank. To me it just looks wrong.

DH likes it and Jack thinks it is cool, even though this one is for Ethan. So i guess the *tank* stays as it is...for the time being LOL

Monday, June 9, 2008

A trip to Spotlight

So all spotlight stores in Sydney were having a sale for the new store that is opening in Penrith. I needed some things as it was so figured heck why not go in and see if i can score any bargains. Well, of course nothing i wanted was on sale. Typical isn't it!! Although i will say there wasn't much on sale at all in there, but of course the store was packed. Never have i had to wait to be served there and yesterday it took forever...i don't think the screaming 2 year old helped the waiting situation either!

So we walked out with dinos, cowboys, jungle animals and of course Wiggles.

There is going to be lots of sewing this week...the weather is miserable so why not!

Friday, June 6, 2008

The Hungry Caterpillar

How gorgeous is the lovely Very Hungry Caterpillar fabric range that is out there now. I seen it and had to do something with it. So this is my will suit Ethan right down to the ground - he is a hungry caterpillar!

Am thinking of making a bandanna to go with it but not sure if that is taking it all too far or not. I have plenty of fabric left so figure i might as well do something with it.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sewing for babies

So in my wisdom somewhere i decided that i would do some sewing for the premmie babies in NICU. You know that whole give something back feeling that we all get at times. So after putting it off for so long i pulled out the patterns and started sewing. After i completed the first one, i felt fantastic. A because it was easier to sew than i expected and b because it actually looked half decent!

So now i have been sewing up a storm. I have a nice little bundle of gowns that are ready for their snaps. Figure i would give myself something to do while Jack has his sleep study done this Wednesday night.

Now to make a visit to the NICU to give them their gift. I am sure they will be over the moon...might have to take Master Ethan along for the visit, i know they wont believe he is the same baby that was there just 7 months ago.

Here is one of the gowns, half finished but still cute none the less!